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Site-site VPNs


ASP/ Enterprise


ePipe provides flexible bandwidth alternatives using Multilink-IP technology

ML-IP solutions increase the bandwidth and reliability of ubiquitous broadband data services. Bandwidth can be multiplied by as much as four (up to 20 Mbps) regardless of the access service available at a location. As they operate at the IP layer, ML-IP solutions are independent of the access provider or carrier infrastructure. They are compatible with all varieties of DSL, Cable or T-1/E1 leased line circuits and even dialup.

ePipe can provide solutions that allow wider pipes to the Internet (or a managed IP-VPN) by using multiple concurrent IP connections between subscribers and the provider (ISP or ASP). Consequently, data is transported using all available broadband links at the each subscriber’s location. Enterprises can also boost the bandwidth of branch office and head office communications in a similar way. An Internet-based VPN or WAN can transfer data across multiple broadband links when ePipe solutions are installed at each site.

ePipe solutions present providers and network integrators with a lucrative revenue opportunity. They can create a portfolio of fast, flexible, reliable and affordable bandwidth solutions quickly and easily. These can be delivered to customers that have access to any type of broadband, or, where broadband is not available broadband-like solutions can be made available, based on multiple dialup links (providing up to 200 Kbps). There is no reliance on a particular carrier service and no need to own or operate any DSL or dialup infrastructure.

Accelerating Site to Site Data Communications

ePipe solutions use Multilink IP (ML-IP) which is a patent-pending protocol that allows an IP-capable WAN to use 2, 3 or 4 cost-effective broadband or dialup connections concurrently between branch offices and head office. It works transparently with all xDSL modems, routers, firewalls and VPN gateways.

Solutions for Internet Service Providers

With ML-IP, even service providers without direct DSL coverage can service a wider range of subscribers with enhanced broadband solutions. Wholesale DSL access purchased from carriers or other access providers can also be enhanced with ML-IP to create differentiated services. These will increase your broadband revenue opportunities because ML-IP extends the bandwidth, application and reliability of any DSL service.

Bandwidth Acceleration Solutions for Enterprises and ASPs

The thirst for more bandwidth seems unquenchable and ML-IP can fill the bandwidth gaps that exist between traditional, inflexible access services available through carriers and service providers. This allows large enterprises, Application Service Providers (ASPs) and data centers to create higher speed and more reliable bandwidth solutions for their branch offices or subscribers.

Bandwidth Acceleration Solutions for OEM Partners

With ML-IP, hardware networking partners can sell more of their network access routers, bridges and VPN products to their installed base as well as attracting new customers. Integrators can create new bandwidth solutions in vertical markets by bundling standard ML-IP devices into their service. Specialist communications developers can embed ML-IP into their own hardware.

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