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What is ML-IP

Universal Broadband Access
Your VPN

Multiply Your Bandwidth

Data Communications


Often high bandwidth pipes at fractional or full T-3/E-3 rates based on fiber services, can only be justified at head offices. This may not be the case for regional or branch offices and, in some cases, a head office may not be able to access fiber services at all. Alternative dedicated or Frame Relay services are usually in the T1/E-1 bandwidth range and sub T-3 services using NxT-1 link bonding have very little coverage, as they require multilink support at carrier or ISP access points. Broadband is a viable alternative, however typical xDSL services are in the fractional to full T-1/E-1 range where available. ML-IP can be used by enterprises that choose T-1/E-1, symmetric or asymmetric DSL services to create larger pipes to the head office and the Internet by using multiple concurrent links of any type. As ML-IP works over dedicated circuits, broadband or dial-up, bandwidth can be accelerated over whatever access service is available at each location. ML-IP improves reliability by providing broadband link fall back and fail-over to multiple dial backup links and all operational links are used simultaneously making full use of the pipe all the time. ML-IP works end-to-end from your branch office to your head office over IP, minimizing the need for complex xDSL or T-1 access infrastructure - it's totally transparent. Enterprises with multi-site installations using a variety of wide area networks, such as managed private IP services, Frame Relay (with IP access) or Public Internet VPNs, can boost the performance and reliability of their network by adding Multilink-IP (ML-IP) at each location requiring improved communications.

  What is ML-IP?

Examines what ML-IP is and how it works, and the benefits of using ML-IP based technology.

  ML-IP Achieves Universal Broadband Access (1.2M PDF)

Organizations with more than one office need to connect all their sites into a single, homogeneous Wide Area Network (WAN). Integrating these disparate services into a single corporate network is only one challenge. A single network connection at any site leaves that site (and possibly the entire network) vulnerable to a single point of failure. Furthermore, the bandwidth provided by existing WAN solutions is inflexible and rarely matches an organization's requirements and budget.

  Is Your VPN Hanging By A Single Thread?

The ePipe range of intelligent multilink access devices sit between your existing infrastructure and the transport network to transform the reliability, security and bandwidth of your data network between each of your locations.

  Need to Multiply Your Bandwidth?

ePipe lets you build the bandwidth you need by load balancing multiple xDSL, Cable, T1, Frame Relay, PSTN, or ISDN connections into one faster connection. ePipe achieves this transparently, without intervention by service providers.

  Accelerating Site to Site Data Communications

Enterprises with multi-site installations using a variety of wide area networks, such as managed private IP services, Frame Relay (with IP access) or Public Internet VPNs, can boost the performance and reliability of their network by adding Multilink-IP (ML-IP) at each location requiring improved communications.

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