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What is my current revision?

Firmware 2.3.0

Firmware 1.0.9

Firmware Versions 1.0.9 & 2.3.0

Flash firmware allows ePipe units to be updated in the field to newer versions of firmware as they are released.  The firmware is stored permanently in the unit's flash memory. There are now two versions of the firmware available for the 2000 family .

What is my current firmware revision?

To see the current firmware revision and the model of your ePipe unit, using the browser-based ePipe Management Assistant go to


Alternatively, access the ePipe command line interface using the ePipe console port or a telnet client and run the following command:


You will only need to know the model of your ePipe unit if you are downloading using a TFTP server (see below).

Download Firmware

ePipe Firmware 2.3.0
(for 2200 series only)

ePipe Firmware 1.0.9
(for all 2000 family units)


Before you upgrade...

Please read the ePipe firmware Release Notes before upgrading the firmware of your ePipe.

ePipe Firmware 2.3.1

Firmware image files to be downloaded to the ePipe via a TFTP server:

  • ePipe 2100 series firmware - version 2.3.1
    Download: epipe2100-flash-231.bin (735KB)
    This version of the firmware is for 2148, 2188 and 2181 models only.  See the notes below.

  • ePipe 2200 series firmware - version 2.3.1
    Download: epipe2200-flash-231.bin (1.2MB)
    This version of the firmware is for 2202 and 2242 models only.  See the notes below.

NOTE:  Upgrading Firmware with the Windows Utility
The Firmware Auto-Upgrade Facility (a Windows utility provided on the ePipe Software and Documentation CD-ROM and in the flash upgrade software) does not work when upgrading ePipes to version 2.3.1.  Do not use this utility to upgrade ePipes to firmware release 2.3.1.

ePipe Firmware 1.0.9

Updating Firmware from Windows

Download the Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 flash upgrade software using the link below:

Run this software on your Windows system and follow the prompts. When upgrading the firmware, you will need to know the IP address and the privileged user name and password of the ePipe unit. See "What is my current firmware revision?" above to determine the model of your ePipe and its current firmware revision.

Updating firmware from a TFTP server

ePipe 2100 series units and ePipe 2200 series units require different firmware revisions. Select the correct firmware for your ePipe from the options below:

  • ePipe 2100 series firmware - version 1.0.9
    This version of the firmware is for 2181, 2148 and 2188 models only.
    Download: epipe2100-flash-109.bin (727KB)

  • ePipe 2200 series firmware - version 1.0.9
    This version of the firmware is for 2202 and 2242 models only.
    Download: epipe2200-flash-109.bin (737KB)

When upgrading the firmware, you will need to know the IP address and privileged user name and password of the ePipe unit. See "what is my current firmware revision" above to determine the model of your ePipe unit and its current firmware revision.

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